Become a Member
For over 40 years we have provided services to our membership and to the industry at large.
Here is some of what we offer:
A forum for discussing industry concerns through our membership meetings as well as ....
Continuing Education (CEU’s) seminars on a variety of subjects.
A clearinghouse for information.
Regular updates on items of importance.
A place for contractors to register opinions, voice concerns, and request help.
Advocacy and legislation on a local and statewide level.
Promotion of the industry.
If you would like to become a member of the Passaic County Electrical Contractors Association, you can print out our application by clicking here or on the 'Membership Application' button below and mail it to us, along with a check, to:
Passaic County Electrical Contractors Association
P.O. Box 287
Little Falls, NJ 07424